Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Reminder of a Miracle...

Did you hear about Denny's FREE Breakfast offer for Feb. 3rd? Yep... that's right, no typo, a FREE Breakfast...

Their Grand Slam Breakfast, to be exact... Two pancakes, two eggs, two sausage links and two strips of bacon. Why are they doing this?! “This free offer is our way of reacquainting America with Denny’s real breakfast,” says Nelson Marchioli, CEO of Denny’s. Well now, thank you, Denny's. It sounds like quite an undertaking to me, and a terrific way to gain more publicity... look at me, I'm blogging about it. I'm not going to sit here and try to figure out the "how 'n why" of it, and no, I'm not going to head to the nearest Denny's, either...

But the article did remind me of a few things...

Here is a picture of men waiting for food in a breadline. This was a typical sight during the Great Depression since many people did not have enough money to buy food.

Men waiting in an unemployment line, Pittsburgh, PA, 1933.

People waiting in line for coal at the M.C. Haavekost dealership.Amsterdam; February 24, 1956.

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

When the apostles returned, they reported to Jesus what they had done. Then he took them with him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called Bethsaida, but the crowds learned about it and followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing. Late in the afternoon the Twelve came to him and said, "Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging, because we are in a remote place here."

He replied, "You give them something to eat."

They answered, "We have only five loaves of bread and two fish—unless we go and buy food for all this crowd." (About five thousand men were there.)

But he said to his disciples, "Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each." The disciples did so, and everybody sat down. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to set before the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.
Luke 9:10-17 (New International Version)

Denny's Free offer might be their way of reacquainting America with a real breakfast... but they missed the boat with me on that one... Instead, it reacquainted me with the Miracle of Jesus feeding the five thousand... it helped me to think about the dinner that my family was blessed to eat... it helped me to be even more thankful than ever for the countless blessings that the Lord has given to me and to my family... it helped me to remember to donate to our local food pantries... it reminded me to be mindful of when friends may be too ill or troubled to cook, and to make sure we help them during those times... There are so many other ways we can all help each other in regards to having daily meals...

So, yes, I do thank Denny's... but even moreso, I bow my head in thanks to God for providing so much to us... I hope that everyone will be able to enjoy a warm and healthy breakfast...

God bless...

Until another time... Pearl



Hi Paula,
I heard about that also and didn't go either. Not a big fan of Denny's. It's nice and husband said the one by our house was packed.
God always provides:)
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Soooo many blessings!

luvmy4sons said...

We are resting in His care as we received news today that there will be lay offs at my husband's company. Thank you for reminding me of God's provision. He will provide!

Anonymous said...

Did you have to take your cascading hearts away, too? Mine stopped being hearts and just became little blank squares! :<

Anonymous said...

I did hear that...unfortunately we don't have a Dennys anywhere around us!! Actually the last time we ate at one was when I went to visit my parents in Illinois and we had breakfast there and it was delicious, hadn't been there for years.


Picket said...

Morning girl and a big amen to this beautiful post! Hope all is well on your side of the mountain...take care sweetie and have a great week!

elizabeth said...

I love this post. At work we were all aflutter at how crowded all the Denny's restaurants were after this offer. But you've reminded us of the bigger picture and for that I thank you.

The W.O.W. factor! said...

Pearl, this is a beautiful post! We don't have Denny's within 100 miles of us, but the "being reaquainted" with the blessings we have is what is important. Thank you for this.
Hugs and Prayers, Pearl,